Portraits highlighting the real danger of highly hazardous pesticides

Syngenta is flooding Brazil with highly hazardous pesticides which make their way into drinking water. Using water polluted by pesticides, a watercolour artist painted portraits of affected people who denounce the ravages of pesticides on health and the environment, and Syngenta’s illegitimate practices in their country.

Millions of Brazilians are exposed to a toxic cocktail of pesticides in drinking water: the results of our investitation in collaboration with Repórter Brazil spread like wild fire in Brazil. Within a week, more than 130 media articles, radio and television broadcasts reported about pesticides in drinking water.

In Brazil, the largest user of toxic pesticides, the agro-chemical industry and its lobbies reign supreme. Despite the repressive environment, many experts and activists work bravely and tirelessly to shed light on the dramatical consequences of this business.

To give a face to this combat, a Brazilian watercolour artist painted portraits of four people affected, using water polluted by pesticides: Ada, Hugo, Fátima and Juvana are standing against the widespread use of pesticides in Brazil and Syngenta's toxic business in their country. Because while Syngenta boasts about its efforts in terms of sustainability and innovation, our investigation reveals that the Swiss giant takes advantage of weaker standards in Brazil and elsewehre to continue selling highly hazardous pesticides which are no longer authorised in Switzerland or the European Union due to their effects on human health or the environment.

Together with our Brazilian partners, and on behalf of everyone who signs our petition, we call on Syngenta to immediately stop producing and selling highly hazardous pesticides.

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