The Clean Clothes Campaign

The CCC has continued to spread and develop, ever since it was founded in the Netherlands in 1989. It has evolved from a European movement that had partners in the countries where clothes were produced, to become a real global network that has built a connection between consumers and the workers in the textile factories, as well as helping to build solidarity between those working in the supply chains of the textile companies.
The CCC network now consists of over 250 organisations throughout Europe and Asia. They have made commitments, in proportion to their size and available means, to explain the production practices and put public pressure on governments and companies, as well as political lobbying. They are thus working to ensure that textile companies act according to their social responsibilities and improve working conditions. They form various regional platforms to address the issues of a globalised industry at different levels.
CCC Switzerland
CCC Switzerland was founded in 1999 by Public Eye, Bread for all and Fastenopfer. It was managed by these associations until 2003. Since then, Public Eye has coordinated CCC Switzerland. The principles are also supported by the following organisations and trade unions:
- Association Romande des Magasins du Monde (ASRO)
- Brava - formerly TERRE DES FEMMES Switzerland
- Brücke · Le Pont
- Fédération romande des consommateurs FRC
- Syndicat Unia
- Union syndicale suisse (USS)
- Solifonds
- Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz
- Syndicat interprofessionnel des travailleuses et travailleurs (SIT)
The four main active areas of CCC
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Information and awareness raising
We share information and raise awareness about working conditions in the garment industry. To this end, we evaluate companies and carry out surveys and research in the countries of production. We then analyse all the information we have gathered. We invite people of all ages to commit and make informed choices on the basis of this information when they decide to buy clothes.
Corporate responsibility
We demand that companies assume their responsibilities and commit to improving working conditions in their factories. This is why we dialogue with the companies, and also run public campaigns. With the help of our supporters and committed individuals, we bring put public pressure on the companies to change their business models. As a specialised network, we have gained considerable experience from many years’ work, and we make our skills available to industry and international organisations.
Urgent appeals
All the work that the CCC undertakes is based on close contact with organisations and trade unions in the country of production. This network enables us to alert people when there are human rights violations or infringements of the workers’ rights in factories. We provide direct support to our local partners and workers by publicising their demands and making contact with the embassies, by protesting or trying to bring governments, companies and unions together around the negotiation table.
Regulatory frameworks
Where laws in Switzerland and in the EU make direct reference to the textile or garment industries, we bring pressure to bear so that both human and workers’ rights in the country of origin are taken into account.
We call for binding rules for companies to respect human rights. As far as public procurement by the Confederation or the cantons or districts are concerned, legislation can be more binding and sustainable at both social and ecological levels.